to be a Sent & Sending church


Esther Cho
Cambodia (NLMA)



Who Is She:
At a young age, God placed a burden on Esther’s heart to dedicate her life to serving Him and His people. Esther was commissioned as a missionary in 2003, serving first Indonesia and then transitioning to Cambodia in 2006. Along with using her training as a nurse to provide much-needed medical care, Esther and her fellow field team members focus their energies in educating and equipping the village of Kampot Province with community resources. Their current projects include a church plant, clinic, a Christian school, and workforce development classes. The team’s vision is to raise up Christian leaders to take the reins of these community resources so they in turn may minister to future generations of Cambodians in the village. During her spare time, Esther enjoys the company of her field team, her friends and students in the village, and her growing family of pets, which includes four dogs and one cat.

Prayer Requests:
1. For physical health to be able to serve faithfully.
2. For courage to serve.
3. For various ministries (Cornerstone International Academy, Village Center dormitory ministry, community outreach).


Connect With Esther:
Click here to join her newsletter.