to be a Sent & Sending church


John Kong
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) (Berkeley, CA)



Who Is He:
John is a graduate of Vanderbilt University (2008) and Westminster Seminary California (2019). He was born in Nashville, TN, but grew up in Taiwan from the age of 3 until he graduated high school. After college, he worked in an investment bank for 7 years before sensing God calling him to ministry, and he served as the Pastor of Christian Education at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, CA, before being called to be the campus minister for RUF Berkeley.

Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for RUF Berkeley to be faithful and diligent in reaching students for Christ and equipping them to serve the church.

2. Pray that God will raise up underclassmen who want to give their time and energy to RUF Berkeley. We are graduating a lot of seniors, and will need current students to step into leadership positions in the Fall.

3. Pray for RUF Berkeley's fundraising efforts, that God will provide the resources to allow us to continue to do ministry on campus.


Connect With P. John:
Click here to view his ministry page.